Police officers from the Rote Ndao Resort, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province arrested two trucks carrying hundreds of liters of fuel oil (BBM) subsidized by the government without documents, transported from Kupang to Rote Island.

"Police officers detained two trucks at ASDP Pantai Baru Port, Rote Ndao Regency on 8-9 November 2023 carrying hundreds of liters of fuel without documents. Hundreds of liters of fuel are fuel subsidized by the government," said Rote Ndao Police Chief AKBP Mardiono as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 24.

The arrests were made in an operation carried out by the Satreskrim Polres Rote Ndao in an effort to overcome the circulation of illegal fuel oil (BBM).

The first truck arrested with the police number DH 8394 G was suspected of carrying diesel fuel and kerosene of around 800 liters of diesel and 400 liters of kerosene.

Meanwhile, the second truck with the police number DH 9501 G transports diesel fuel of around 560 liters and kerosene of around 35 liters.

Kapolres Mardiono mengatakan ratusan BBM tersebut diduga berasal dari daerah Kupang dan tujuannya adalah Rote.

"At the time of the investigation by the police, the driver was unable to show a permit for transporting fuel and the purchase price of fuel was indicated to be relatively cheap," said Police Chief Mardiono.

Hundreds of liters of fuel are fuel subsidized by the government.

Based on the initial investigation that the fuel transported is suspected to be subsidized fuel, so it is necessary to investigate and investigate whether the act was a crime against oil and gas.

Several perpetrators involved in this case have been named as suspects, namely, YMH (45), NST (27), JFP (43) and YN (28).

They came from Sakubatun Village and Tesabela Village in Rote Ndao Regency and brought the fuel to seek profit from the misuse of the transportation of diesel fuel and kerosene subsidized by the government.

The alleged article against the perpetrators is Article 55 of Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning oil and gas with a maximum imprisonment of six years and a maximum fine of Rp. 60,000,000,000.

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