JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Workers Unions (ASPEK Indonesia) has raised its voice over allegations of corruption related to money management and investment funds at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan or BP Jamsostek worth IDR 20 trillion. This case strengthens the suspicion of a capital market mafia in Indonesia.

President of ASPEK Indonesia Mirah Sumirat explained that the alleged capital market mafia originated from the corruption case of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) which caused state financial losses of IDR 16.8 trillion and the corruption case of PT Asabri (Persero) which caused losses to state finances of IDR 23.73 trillion. Most recently, the case of investment mismanagement was also experienced by BP Jamsostek.

"The three mega corruption scandals have the same mode and perpetrator. The mode is the alleged corruption in financial management and investment funds," he said, in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, February 15.

Mirah said the perpetrators also involved parties with the same background. Among other things, securities or securities companies and investment managers. In fact, in the mega corruption scandal Jiwasraya and Asabri gave rise to the same name, namely Benny Tjokrosaputro or Benny Tjokro who was a Commissioner of PT Hanson International Tbk.

"Apart from that, the arguments of all perpetrators are uniform, namely the loss of business risk. This is a serious concern of ASPEK Indonesia and we support the Attorney General's Office to be serious and transparent in resolving cases that harm society, especially workers in Indonesia," he said.

Not only that, Mirah said ASPEK Indonesia also based the allegation of capital market mafia on the increasing trend of suspicious financial transaction reports (LTKM) in the capital market. Data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), which was recently released, shows that until December 2020, suspicious transactions in the capital market exceeded 443 cases.

This figure jumped 751.9 percent compared to 2019 data which only recorded 52 cases of suspicious transactions during that year. In fact, said Mirah, PPATK stated that the growth in illicit transactions was the highest of all types of crimes identified by the PPATK financial intelligence agency.

"The government, through the Attorney General's Office, the Supreme Audit Agency, PPATK and the Financial Services Authority (OJK), needs to carry out its authority as much as possible so that crimes that are suspected of being committed by groups organized in the capital market will no longer occur," he explained.

Not only that, Mirah said the House of Representatives (DPR) also needed to strengthen regulations through changes to laws related to the capital market. The goal is that regulatory loopholes can be corrected.

The Board of Directors of BP Jamsostek failed to carry out the mandate

Specifically related to the BP Jamsostek case, said Mirah, it was evident that the board of directors had failed to carry out the mandate of Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System. The management of the social security fund as a trust fund should be managed based on the principles of transparency, prudence and accountability, the results of which are used entirely for program development and for the maximum benefit of the participants.

"The BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Directors must be responsible for the failure to fulfill the implementation of good governance, which includes internal control (internal control) and risk management, and the result is that the interests of stakeholders, in this case workers in Indonesia, are not protected," he said.

Therefore, ASPEK Indonesia asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to re-evaluate the names of candidates for the directors of BP Jamsostek and BPJS Kesehatan who are currently on the presidential table.

"This is to ensure that no candidate for directors is involved in the BPJS Employment mega corruption case," he explained.

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