JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, guided the discussion session at the 9th MIKTA Speakers' Consultation. A number of global issues were discussed in the consultative forum for the heads of parliaments of 5 middle power countries, one of which was related to the empowerment of young people.
MIKTA is a group of middle power countries consisting of Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia. Meanwhile, MIKTA Speakers' Consultation is a consultative forum for the Chair of Parliament for MIKTA members.
The first session of the consultative meeting took the theme 'Questioning Global Governance: How Should Parliament Act?'. When serving as moderator, Puan hopes that middle power countries can participate in responding to challenges for the world community, including the issue of climate change which is almost felt throughout the world and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Ukraine.
"In recent years, the world has faced the perfect storm, in the form of the 5C threats, namely Covid-19, conflict in Gaza and Ukraine, climate change, commodity prices and cost of living," said Puan at the Bali Ballroom, Hotel Kempinski, Jakarta, Monday, November 20.
Regarding the conflict in Gaza, Puan regretted that the UN Security Council rejected a ceasefire and humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. For this reason, in this MIKTA parliamentary consultative forum, she hopes that middle power countries can become a bridge to this humanitarian crisis.
"This actually has a positive impact because middle power countries like MIKTA can play a bigger role in the international world. MIKTA's strength is as a democratic, middle power country that upholds the rule of law," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
Puan also hopes that MIKTA can champion aspirations to encourage strengthening global solidarity and equality between countries. According to her, the world needs fairer governance, and seeks to strengthen global partnerships.
"Therefore, MIKTA can fill this void as a forum between middle power countries. This forum can voice the interests of middle power countries, or bring perspectives outside of big power countries," said Puan.
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