Curhati Residents Of Kulonprogo, Ganjar Encourages The Establishment Of Farmers' Cooperatives
Ganjar Pranowo (Photo of the Ganjar Campaign Team)

KULON PROGO - Ganjar Pranowo encourages the establishment of farmer cooperatives to solve various needs of farmers, ranging from basic needs to related fertilizers.

The former governor of Central Java emphasized that cooperatives must be the main instrument in realizing the welfare of farmers.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when responding to complaints from residents in Njimatan Hamlet, Jatirejo Village, Lendah District, Kulon Progo Regency, Prov. DIY, who complained about difficulties in meeting agricultural needs.

"Cooperatives are made, for farmer cooperatives, tenants (true) or fictitious (not lying), taken care of professionally, ngo (using) good business methods. Cooperatives from, by, for members," said Ganjar when answering residents' complaints, Wednesday, November 15 night.

Ganjar said the importance of professional management in carrying out cooperatives is in order to compete in a healthy manner in the market. He emphasized that cooperatives must be managed by administrators who have competence and expertise in their respective fields.

Thus, Ganjar is optimistic that with the implementation of the concept of good agricultural cooperatives, a sustainable circular economy will be created and able to have a positive impact on the community of farmers and the regional economy as a whole.

"If we can develop the cooperative, the government will assist it, a circular economy will be created later," he said.

In the concept of agricultural cooperatives, Ganjar highlighted the importance of collective awareness, where cooperatives are not only business institutions, but also as a forum for farmers to unite, share knowledge, and support each other.

In addition, Ganjar also encourages agricultural modernization in order to maximize the existing potential and encourage young people to farm. Not only that, Ganjar also emphasized the need for one farmer data to maximize everything related to agriculture.

"So one agricultural data is important. Malau already uses data, it's modern. If it's modern, it's not mumet. Modernization, digitization. So young people will be happy. If not, young people may not want to farm in the future," said Ganjar.

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