A series of accidents involving six vehicles occurred on Jalan Mochamad Toha Tiga Turunan, Kampung Mekar Mulya, Parung Panjang Village, Parung Panjang District, Bogor Regency, West Java, Wednesday, November 15. The six vehicles involved in the accident were four tronton trucks carrying mines and two cars namely Daihatsu Terios and Toyota Sigra. One person died in this accident. Gakkum Head of Bogor Police Traffic Unit Ipda Angga said the accident was reported at 02.30 WIB in the morning. Initially, the tronton truck driven by MR moved from Parung Panjang to Tangerang. "On the downhill road lost control," said Angga in his statement, Thursday, November 16. The truck also hit the back of another tronton which was running. Not there, the truck moved to the right and hit another vehicle from the opposite direction, namely three trucks and two cars. "There was a traffic accident," said Angga.

In this accident, one of the truck drivers with the initials AC died at the location. The police who received the report went straight to the location to process the crime scene. "One person died. Material losses are around Rp. 70 million," said Angga.

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