JAKARTA - Commission IX of the DPR asked every puskesmas and posyandu to open a mental health consultation service. This action is in response to the high number of cases of mental disorders in the country.

"We have conveyed this request to the Ministry of Health for immediate follow-up," said Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Edy Wuryanto in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 15, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, puskesmas and posyandu have wide coverage and can be easily accessed by the public.

Therefore, he said, puskesmas and posyandu are considered appropriate to be the locations for mental health consulting services.

Commission IX specifically requested that health workers at the puskesmas and posyandu receive training in order to have the ability as counselors for the community with mental disorders.

In its implementation, according to him, the health workers were asked to focus on strengthening the mental health of high-risk groups, such as the elderly, children, and women.

"The goal is clear to prevent more severe conditions from happening today," he said.

Based on reports given by the Ministry of Health to Commission IX of the DPR, currently one in 10 Indonesians has mental health problems.

This was obtained based on the results of a health check conducted on 6.8 million people and 406,314 of them were declared to have mental disorders.

The ministry divides mental health disorders into three types, namely anxiety, which is characterized by feelings of anxiety and anxiety, depression, and in the final stages intotegery.

"This figure is quite high and needs to be handled seriously," he said.

In order for mental health services at the puskesmas and posyandu to run well, Edy said, the government can make the best use of the DAK health fund allocation to the regions for the 2023-2024 budget year.

The health budget in 2024 is planned at IDR 186.4 trillion or 5.6 percent of the total APBN. This number increased by 8.1 percent or IDR 13.9 trillion compared to the previous year.

"The distribution of DAK health funds to the regions is focused on primary services, including mental health services," he said.

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