JAKARTA - The Kembangan Police managed to dismantle the methamphetamine and ecstasy network from the suspect DHA (29) who was previously arrested on the night of the turn of 2024-2025.

From the results of the development of the suspect DHA, the police again arrested the suspect with the initials INK (29) who acted as a drug courier.

Kembangan police chief, Kompol Moch Taufik Iksan, explained that the INK suspect was part of the same network as the DHA suspect who was detained in the Tambun area, Bekasi.

"After carrying out the development, we arrested INK (29), who served as a courier or 'horse' to deliver the illicit goods," said Kompol Taufik when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, January 2.

In addition to arresting INK, the police also confiscated 13 packages of methamphetamine-type drugs weighing 612 grams, 10 plastic packages containing 1,336 ecstasy pills, 5 digital scales, 4 empty plastic clip bundles, and one plastic bag of Chinese tea used for methamphetamine.

"The evidence that we confiscated shows that the INK perpetrators are not only serving as couriers, but are also actively involved in the distribution of large amounts of drugs," he said.

Meanwhile, from the urine examination of the two suspects with the initials DHA and INK, they showed positive results containing amphetamine, methamphetamine, and THC.

As a result of his actions, the two perpetrators were charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of the Narcotics Law with a maximum sentence of life.

"We will continue to develop this case to uncover a wider network," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Kembangan Police managed to thwart the circulation of methamphetamine and ecstasy pills which will be circulated on the New Year's Eve 2024-2025 in the West Jakarta area.

In disclosing the drug trafficking, the police arrested one suspect with the initials DHA (28) along with a number of drug evidence.

"The plan is from the suspect's confession, this illicit item will be circulated on New Year's Eve 2025, last night," said Kembangan Police Chief, Kompol Moch Taufik Iksan when confirmed, Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

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