JAKARTA The brawl in Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta is not the only time this has happened. Clashes in densely populated areas have indeed occurred since several years ago. In fact, not a few people died and material losses as a result of the clashes.

This time, the Johar Police seemed serious in handling the brawl. By recording the faces of the perpetrators of the brawl through CCTV, visiting the house and looking for them to go to school for safekeeping.

As a result, as many as 19 people who were still underage were arrested. Those involved in the brawl were secured at the Johar Baru Police, although they were eventually released after being sanctioned for washing their respective mothers' feet at the police station. As well as making a statement.

It did not stop there, until now the police are still searching for 25 people involved in the brawl.

"There are approximately 25 people who have not been caught, from various schools, and there are also adults," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Johar Baru Police, AKP Rosyid when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, November 14.

The search for the 25 perpetrators of the brawl was among the main perpetrators of the brawl. The results of the police identification, the main perpetrator of the brawl in Johar Baru is an adult man.

"There are still perpetrators being hunted. We have not secured the main perpetrators," he said.

According to the police, the main perpetrator of the brawl is not a resident who lives in the Johar Baru area. However, he only hangs out in the Kampung Rawa area almost every day because of unemployment.

"He doesn't even live in Johar Baru. But his days are still playing at Johar Baru," he added.

Meanwhile, to prevent further brawls, the police appealed to people who are anti-fight action to play an active role in providing information as early as possible through WhatsApp groups and recording anything that started to get suspicious in their area.

"I hope that the community as soon as possible if there are children gathering, to immediately provide information as soon as possible through the WA group cellphone. I ask the public to provide photos and videos," he said.

AKP Rosyid added that photo and video recordings were significant clues in the disclosure of various crime cases and strong evidence.

"Because that is our most effective evidence for taking the perpetrators of this brawl quickly. Based on the instructions earlier (photo and video reports)," he said.

Dozens of parents of 19 brawlers who were arrested came to the Johar Baru Police Headquarters to visit their child, Monday afternoon, November 13, afternoon.

The parents of the perpetrators were sad when they saw their son being arrested by the police for being involved in a brawl. They, the parents of the perpetrators, came to the Johar Baru Police Station after receiving information from the Police.

Rani, one of the parents of the brawler, said she was surprised when her son was arrested by the police.

"He usually plays games on his cellphone, never fights," Rani told VOI at the Johar Baru Police, Monday, November 13.

Rani hopes that the Police can release her child. After briefing the parents of the perpetrators, 19 teenagers who were arrested were only collected data and trained.

They were only asked for an agreement through a statement so as not to repeat the brawl. Then, the minors underwent sanctions for washing their parents' feet.

Waka Polsek Johar Baru, AKP Sarjana mengatakan, pihak Kepolisian mengambil langkah pembinaan karena para pelaku masih status sekolah.

"We use it as a customary practice, so that the perpetrators are willing, aware, there are parents who give birth and raise him so that he will serve his parents," said AKP Sarjana.

Furthermore, the perpetrators were returned to their parents in order to continue their schooling. Meanwhile, the Johar Baru Police are still hunting for the main actor in the brawl who is still at large.

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