In connection with the presence of people who were electrocuted on Pisangan Baru Utama Street, Matraman, East Jakarta on November 12, 2023 afternoon, PLN Cempaka Putih Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) said that there was no PLN work in the area at the time of the incident.
"We make sure that the work is not on PLN's orders, the work is illegal," said PLN UP3 Cempaka Putih Manager, Wira Bhakti.
Furthermore, Wira appealed to the public to contact PLN through the official route if there were disturbances or complaints related to electricity.
"Please contact PLN through the official route, via PLN Mobile, not through acquaintances. If you go through an official route, the public can track where the officers are at work," said Wira.
In carrying out their duties, PLN also prioritizes safety by using complete personal protective equipment and meeting applicable standard procedures. This is of course a form of prioritizing safety in every work.
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