The Mayor of Padang, Hendri Septa, requested that the railway line (KA) from Pulau Air Station to Muaro via Kota Tua Padang be reactivated to support the tourism sector.

"This train path already exists, but is now no longer active. If it can be activated, it will support tourism in the Old City of Padang," he said in Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Friday, November 10, which was confiscated by Antara. He said that the active train path will complement the "heritage" atmosphere in the Old City of Padang. Hendri said the Padang City Government is serious about developing the Old City as one of the leading destinations to attract tourists. The potential of the Old City as a testament to cultural acculturation in West Sumatra is very large to be developed as a tourist destination. Moreover, the Kota Tua Padang area has many historical buildings that have partially become cultural heritage. He said, currently the Padang City Government has received a "masterplan" for the development of the Old City of Padang from the West Sumatra Provincial Government which could be a guide in the future.

Untuk menjalankan "masterplan" itu juga sudah dilantik Dewan Pengelola Kawasan Kota Tua Padang yang diharapkan dapat mendorong percepatan pengembangan kawasan tersebut.Gubernur Sumbar, Mahyeldi mendukung penuh keinginan Pemkot Padang untuk mengaktifkan kembali jalur KA di Kota Tua Padang tersebut."Kalau bisa jalur KA ini tidak hanya sampai ke Muaro Padang, tetapi bisa diteruskan lagi sehingga nantinya akan terintegrasi dengan moda transportasi lain," ujarnya.Ia menyebut akan memberikan pendampingan untuk mengkoordinasikan rencana aktivasi itu dengan PT KAI.

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