JAKARTA - For the Indonesian Ulema Union and Santri (FUSI) there is a reason to invite them to support the presidential and vice presidential candidates Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming. Both are complementary couples. Cross generations and Gibran are representatives of students.

This was stated by Gus Syaifuddin as the General Chair of FUSI when answering the media performance on the sidelines of the West Kalimantan Dialogue event for the Palestinian Solidarity which took place at the Jakarta Theater, Thamrin, Central Jakarta recently. "Gibran is a receptentive of Indonesian students because he is a student of KH. Abdul Karim, who is familiarly called Gus Karim. He taught Jokowi and his family about the interpretation of the Qur'an and Fiqh," he said.

"Gibran also studied religion with KH Abdul Karim from Ponpes Al-Muayyad Mangkuyu and Solo, Gus Karim's name is familiar to the people of Solo and its surroundings. Gus Karim is a Koran teacher for Jokowi and Gibran," continued Gus Syaifuddin.

"That's why FUSI sees that in the santri the figure of Gibran is fitting. Quoting the words of KH Ahmad Mustofa Bisri or more often called Gus Mus. Santri are not just the ones who are random but whoever has morals like students, he is a student," he said.

FUSI sees that it is time for young people to be given a message for the sustainability of future leadership. For Indonesia who is more advanced, kind and prosperous. FUSI saw the Prabowo Subianto - Gibran Rakabuming pair according to the rules of santri continued their old kindness and continued the ideas of innovation a new idea. The ideal combination is because of the old and young couple.

In addition, FUSI also sees that Prabowo is a person who is close to Islamic boarding schools and ulama, Prabowo's habits of youth every task is to always ask for prayers from scholars.

We need a strong leader character for Indonesia's future. Gibran is a young man in future development towards Gold 2024. The success of Gibran Rakabuming in Solo can lead with Prabowo Subianto for Indonesia to Advance in the future.

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