YOGYAKARTA - In the success of national programs in agriculture, the government continues to innovate in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers. One of them is the Farmer's Card which will benefit the welfare of farmers. So what are the benefits of the farmer card?

To note, Tani Cards are cards issued by Banking to farmers, can be used in subsidized fertilizer redeeming transactions through Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machines at official retailers.

The Director General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities (PSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Sarwo Edhy said, Tani Cards are expected to have a positive impact on all groups. Not only for the government and the parties are adrift, but what is very meaningful is the use for farmers.

With the existence of Farmer Cards, later farmers can use them to buy subsidized fertilizers. This step is efficient in distributing subsidy fertilizers on target," said Sarwo Edhy in his statement, last Friday (6/3/2020).

For him, not everyone can have this card. Because, there is a series of processes that must be carried out, the goal is so that the push for fertilizer subsidies is really right on target.

The Farmer's Card contains a quota that suits the needs of farmers. For this quota, it depends on the area of land owned by each farmer. "However, farmer cards cannot be cashed and can only be exchanged for fertilizers," he added.

The main requirements for obtaining this card are that farmers must join the farmer group. Farmers are also required to collect photocopies of e-KTPs as well as land ownership signs, proof of land tax payments, proof of lease, or members of the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH).

Sarwo Edhy narrated, verifying the Definitive Plan for Group Needs (RDKK) data is currently shown to e-RDKK.

"After that, field extension officers (PPL) carried out data collection and information verification in the field (NIK, land area, commodities and fertilizer type) after which PPL uploaded information on farmers into the Indonesian Agricultural Information System (SINPI)," explained Sarwo Edhy.

Next, added Sarwo Edhy, uploading RDKK data or uploading subsidized fertilizer allocations, farmers are also required to attend the appointed bank, namely BRI, Mandiri village units or places that have been determined so that farmer cards are issued.

Dalam proses ini petani menampilkan e-KTP asli serta mengatakan nama ibu kalah. Setelah itu petugas melaksanakan pemeriksa ke server bank dilanjutkan pembuatan buku tabungan.

"After this process is complete, bank officials will hand over farmer cards and savings books," said Sarwo.

The Farmer's Card can be used to purchase subsidized fertilizers to agents or retailers who have been appointed. "After that, the farmer card is swiped into the EDC machine at the kiosk to carry out the purchase of subsidized fertilizers according to need," he explained.

He added that farmers can also re-check the remaining allocation of fertilizer quotas. After carrying out the transaction, retailers hand over fertilizers to farmers and the transaction ends, farmers can bring back the fertilizer.

Not only to buy fertilizer, but Farmers Cards also play a role as debit cards and utensils for harvest sales transactions.

Next, the harvest is inputted and the payment value appears on the SINPI server. After that, SINPI sent a report via SMS to the Farmer's cellphone. "On the farmer's cellphone there is a report on the amount of harvest and the selling value (rupiah). The selling value goes to the farmer's account and then the balance can be checked through the ATM," he said.

Not only these benefits, he said, farmer cards can also be used by farmers to be able to apply for business credit in banking and financial institutions that have been appointed by the government.

Farmers' cards are used to verify the information of farmers when applying for business credit loans. Create obstacles in agriculture, namely the presence of farmers who do not have a bank account to put their crops.

"Another aspect is the location of the bank which is quite far away and constrained by other requirements," he concluded.

Meanwhile, agricultural observer Gadjah Mada University Jamhari

said the electronic system of the Definitive Plan for Group Needs (e- RDKK) for receiving subsidized fertilizers and Farmer Cards implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) is considered capable of increasing the distribution target capacity.

The system is deemed appropriate to evaluate the distribution of subsidized fertilizers every year while minimizing fraud.

Jamhari assessed that electronic systems can also minimize double information on recipients of subsidized fertilizer boosts. He considered it reasonable, if the Ministry of Agriculture still refers to information on population identification no (NIK) and e-KTP for receiving subsidized fertilizers.

"Because (validation) the truth of the NIK data and e-KTP is found in other institutions," said Jamhari

So after knowing the benefits of the farmer card, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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