The Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) confiscated two building units in the form of houses and shophouses belonging to a notary in Karawang Regency, West Java, related to the disclosure of the alleged corruption case of the TWPAD Army Housing Compulsory Savings Fund) for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

"Today we went to Karawang to develop the case," said Head of Sub-Directorate for the Prosecution of Connection Cases at the Military Crime Hour, July Isnur, in Karawang as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 7.

In disclosing the alleged corruption case of TWP AD funds in land acquisition activities for the housing of AD soldiers in Karawang and Subang, the AGO has named three suspects, each with the initials Y, AS and T.

He said the suspect with the initials Y was a retired TNI, while the suspect with the initials AS was a private party, and the suspect with the initials T was a notary who was based in the Karawang area.

In developing the case, he said, on Tuesday his party conducted a search of the house and shophouse belonging to suspect T in the Gerand Taruma Karawang area.

Juli Isnur said the luxury houses and shophouses that were used as notary offices were confiscated, and also confiscated several bundles of documents related to the case in the office and house of suspect T.

"The involvement of suspect T, who works as a notary in this case, includes inflating land prices, receiving commissions from land prices, and others," he said.

Meanwhile, the case was revealed after a Director of PT Indah Berkah Utama with the initials AS was detained and named a suspect along with Brigadier General TNI (Ret.) Y, always the Director of Finance of TWP AD.

The suspects allegedly used TWP AD funds in the period May 2019 to December 2020, not in accordance with the agreement that had been agreed upon, resulting in state losses of around Rp. 38 billion.

"The loss was discovered after the suspects carried out land acquisition activities for the housing of AD soldiers in Karawang and Subang," he said.

When asked about the possibility of adding suspects and dragging the names of officials within the Karawang Regency Government, Juli Isnur was reluctant to explain further.

"If answered, it will be long. So for the full details later, yes, because this is still in the development stage. Now I can only explain today's activities," he said.

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