JAKARTA - Dozens of art workers and musicians collaborated in a music concert entitled 'Konser Peduli Musik'. This collaboration is carried out to raise donations that will be handed over to victims of natural disasters that occurred in early 2021.
This concert is broadcast live streaming on the YouTube channel 48 Cycling. In its application, the guest stars and musicians who appear apply strict health protocols and are fully supported by ERA Indonesia and VOI.
"All the talents and invited guests who attended this concert applied 3M's strict health protocol," said Member of the Indonesian Parliament Abdul Kadir Karding, Thursday, February 11.
Karding said, in addition to implementing the 3M health protocol pattern, namely wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance, his party also checks the health conditions of visitors with the antigen swab method, the costs of which are borne by the organizing committee.
The musicians and celebrities who supported the donation event were Tantri Kotak; Arda Naff; Sandy Canester; Ifan Seventeen; Rian D'Masiv; Rizal Armada; Rival Himran; Ifan Govinda; Drive Band; Dimas and Ipank Last Child; and Natta Reza.
Apart from that there is also David Chalik; Reza Wiyansyah; Tommy Kurniawan; Said Bajuri; Reza Aditya; Yasir Nene Ama; Ridwan Ghani; Jokodin; Yudi Bagong; Dhianty Yusuf; Image of Monica; and Wardah.
After the donations are collected, 48 Cycling will make repairs to houses of worship and educational facilities as a priority. In order to ensure transparency, later reports on donations that have been collected and submitted will be further reported.
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