JAKARTA - The vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) has no problem if he and the future presidential candidate Anies Baswedan are underestimated by some parties.

This refers to the results of a number of survey institutions that stated that support for Anies-Cak Imin was at the last or lower order than Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

According to Cak Imin, it could be that he and Anies were previously underestimated, but in the end won the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"We like it the most because it is still taken lightly. However, those who are taken lightly usually win. That's roughly the case," said Cak Imin when receiving a visit from former Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board (PP) Din Syamsuddin at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Friday, November 3.

The General Chairperson of the PKB also revealed that the Change coalition that carried Anies Baswedan and himself had conducted an internal survey.

Seeing the results of an internal survey regarding the support of presidential and vice presidential candidates, Cak Imin claimed to have a chance to win the election one round defeating his competitors, namely Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

"Seeing the signs, there is also one round of wins. The opportunities that exist because of our latest survey are still confidential," he said.

According to the 1945 Constitution, the winner of the presidential election, presidential and vice presidential candidates must get more than 50 percent of the vote in the election, by obtaining at least 20 percent of the votes in each province spread across more than half the number of provinces in Indonesia in one round.

The deputy chairman of the DPR admitted that the results of his internal survey were different from the results of polls conducted by several survey institutions recently.

"We are very optimistic. The spike in the acquisition is very significant. In fact, the current survey up to the current level of 3 candidates is exactly the same. So, 100 (percent) are divided into three. There is a little floating, a few percent," explained Cak Imin.

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