JAKARTA - The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo asked the people of various ethnicities and cultures that become residents in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) of East Kalimantan to live in harmony. The president explained that people who have lived in the area around IKN have always lived side by side with the community from other regions after the government moved the capital city from Jakarta to the city of Nusantara, East Kalimantan. "With the development of IKN, East Kalimantan in particular will become the estuary of meeting various interacting cultures. We hope that they will interact well, live in harmony, maintain, preserve, develop local cultural identities, values, and traditions of the people in East Kalimantan," said President Jokowi, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 3. With the construction of IKN, President Jokowi asked for the need to build mutual awareness, mutual respect, respect for diversity, and make Bhinneka Tunggal Ika a force to build harmony, togetherness, and unity. in his speech, President Jokowi explained that during the last three months, the Head of State visited IKN to lay the first stone of a number of infrastructures. So far, there are five large hotels in the construction process, four hospitals in the construction process, two international standard schools, two shopping centers, to PSSI training centers that have eight football fields in IKN. However, the President stressed the development of resources is more important in IKN so that the culture in East Kalimantan and Indonesia is not eroded by foreign cultures. "That should be all of the physical ones. Whereas it should take preceded is the development of human resources, the preservation of culture, caring for existing culture, should not be eroded by foreign cultures, foreign cultures," said the President.

Therefore, the President appreciated the holding of the Nusantara Cultural Harmoni Festival in Sepaku District, East Kalimantan, to remind various Indonesian arts and culture as well as pluralism. "The club alone has 714. That is, strength, character, culture are very, and we must preserve it and we must care for it," said Jokowi.

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