KULON PROGO - Thousands of pilgrims of the sholawat mafia packed Pereng Square, Ngentakrejo Village, Kapanewon Lendah, Kulon Progo Thursday, November 2 night. They compactly sang national prayers for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia while praying for the victory of the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD pair in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Thousands of worshipers The prayer mafia came from various regions in Central Java - DIJ. All compact ones were led directly by Gus Yusuf Saiful Anwar Macul Langit. Sholawat echoed in Pereng Field. "Alhamdulillah they love sholawat, wherever they always exist and have many, their intention is to worship, pray for the peace and peace of our beloved Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Gus Yusuf who is also the caretaker of the Boarding School of the Dhikr Council and Sholawat Macul Langit. According to him, entering the political year as it is today, reading shalawat is important to intensify the heart, needs to be intensified in the community. Differences in political views are common, but sometimes make the atmosphere heat up, even sometimes there is also friction in the community. "Therefore, let's often read the shalawat, so that our hearts are cool, our minds are clear," he said. Revealed, similar sholawat is also always attended and supported by volunteers, lovers and supporters of Ganjar Pranowo - Mahfud MD pairs who want NKRI to remain peaceful, adem and calm.

"The Ganjar-Mahfud MD couple also always supports us to pray as much as possible, we reply by praying for his celebration to be blessed by Allah. Being the leader of this beloved country, both of them are also firm, intelligent, wise and able to embrace all of them," he said. The activity committee, Sulistyo added, this activity was attended by thousands of prayer mafia worshipers from various regions. "We pray for Indonesia in general, and Yogyakarta in particular is always cool and peaceful, we also pray for Mr. Ganjar-Mahfud MD. Hopefully, it can always be istiqomah to continue what has been good. Leading Indonesia in peace, the economy is increasing, everything is achieved," he added.

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