Threatening To Spread Nude Photos On Social Media, Private Employees Extort Women Of Up To Tens Of Millions
The FA suspect (orange clothes) is a suspect in the extortion and threats/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA A private employee from Kejobong District, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java was arrested by the Purbalingga Police for the crime of extortion and threats. The perpetrator with the initials FA blackmailed a woman with naked photos of up to tens of millions.

Plt Kasihumas Polres Purbalingga Iptu Imam Saefudin said the threat was carried out by the FA through social media messages (medsos).

"The suspect carried out the action between August 2 and 18, 2023, against the victim, a woman with the initials NE, a resident of Purba Iingga Regency," said Iptu Imam, in a written statement, Thursday, November 2.

The mode used by the FA was to use fake social media accounts to get acquainted with the victim. After knowing and communicating regularly, the perpetrator then asked the victim to send immoral photos.

"After receiving an immoral photo of the victim, the perpetrator then threatened to spread it through social media if he was not given Rp40 million," he explained.

Imam continued, the victim had sent a sum of money to the perpetrator. However, because the perpetrator continued to threaten and ask for money, finally in October 2023, the victim reported to the Purba Iingga Police.

The Purba Iingga Police Satreskrim who received the report immediately conducted an investigation. As a result, the perpetrator was identified.

"Based on the victim's report, Unit 2 of the Criminal Investigation Unit then carried out an investigation until it succeeded in identifying and securing the perpetrator," he said.

The evidence that was successfully secured included a blue Xiaomi Poco X3 cellphone, a screenshot of the profile of the Ovo account used by the perpetrator, a screenshot of the Instagram account used by the perpetrator, two screenshots of the WhatsApp account with two different numbers.

The suspect is subject to Article 45 paragraph (4) in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph (4) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

"The threat of punishment for this article is that it is sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of six years and or a maximum fine of one billion," he concluded.

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