Vice President Ma'ruf Amin will host three presidential candidates, namely Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Mahfud MD and Muhaimin Iskandar with lunch at the Vice Presidential Palace in Jakarta on November 6, 2023.

"So it is planned that the vice president will accept the three presidential candidates on Monday, will have lunch together at the Palace here," said Vice President Masduki Baidlowi spokesman reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 1.

Masduki said the three candidates for vice president had accepted the invitation and had confirmed that they could attend next Monday at the Vice Presidential Palace.

"The invitation has been submitted to each vice presidential candidate and the three of them are okay, confirmed okay," he said.

He said that the plan for lunch with three candidates for vice president at the Vice President's Palace would be carried out at the same time as time.

The President hosted three presidential candidates at the Presidential Palace some time ago.

However, at that time it was difficult to match the schedule between the three candidates for vice president and vice president Ma'ruf himself. Until finally the lunch meeting was postponed and decided Monday next week.

Masduki said the outline of the purpose of the Vice President to hold a lunch was to discuss together about efforts to create a peaceful atmosphere during the 2024 presidential election.

"So that competition is healthy. So competition is okay but don't create an atmosphere of division in society. That's a good effort. How to compete and democraze but with a cold atmosphere. Competition is okay but the atmosphere is cold," he explained.

Previously, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said he would invite the candidates to discuss efforts to reduce conflicts because the attitude of the supporters will depend on the election contestants.

"Because after all, how are the ones above it, these contestants, both supporting parties, presidential and vice-presidential candidates and their respective winning teams. Now, if possible, the tension will be (down). The atmosphere is peaceful, cold, our election will not cause problems," said the Vice President.

Regarding President Jokowi's activities of hosting presidential candidates with lunch on Monday (30/10), the Vice President assessed that the president as head of state wanted there to be no division.

The president, according to Ma'ruf Amin, wants to continue to provide understanding to the contestants so that they compete fairly, honestly and not create conflict.

"Also avoiding hoaxes. In order to comply with the corridor," he said.

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