YOGYAKARTA - Talking about the construction of the capital city of Nusantara alias IKN will certainly also discuss facilities and infrastructure, as well as public places. Now it is heard that the plan to build IKN Airport which will be VVIP really. Do you know how much the cost of building the VVIP IKN airport is?

President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi will carry out the laying of initial stones or groundbreaking for the construction of IKN Nusantara VVIP Airport as of today, November 1, 2023. Not only airports, there are 9 other projects that will be groundbreaking at the same time.

The acceleration of airport construction is contained in Presidential Regulation No. 31 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Development and Operation of IKN VVIP Airport. Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono were appointed by President Jokowi to lead the construction and operation of the VVIP airfield.

Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has reviewed several airport positions that will be built in Penajam District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. He also encouraged the acceleration of the construction of VVIP airfields, both from the air and on the land side.

Finally, yesterday Budi Karya reviewed the position. "Today (Tuesday, October 31, 2023) I confirmed and reviewed the position of the construction of IKN Nusantara Airport. God willing, Mr. President is willing to carry out the groundbreaking tomorrow," said Budi Karya through a written explanation reported on Wednesday, November 1, 2023.

The VVIP IKN airport will be used to serve the interests of government activities at IKN. Formed with a VVIP terminal area of 2,000 square meters and a VIP terminal of 5,000 square meters, and a runway of 3,000 x 485 m. This airport is approximately 25 km from Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan and about 107 km from Samarinda Airport.

There is also development funding and the operation of VVIP airports sourced from the state budget (APBN) or other legal sources in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. Budi Karya said the design of the VVIP airport would display the characteristics of Kalimantan culture.

In addition, the airport will also have a green airport concept and pay close attention to the aesthetic side. "We will provide the best effort so that the architecture from here looks cultural from Kalimantan, and don't forget the concept is green airport," said Budi Karya.

Regarding the budget for the construction of the VVIP IKN Nusantara airport, the Director General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Hedy Rahadian proposed an additional budget for 2024. The budget is related to the assignment of the construction of VVIP airports and toll access at IKN Nusantara and the assignment of the Presidential Instruction (Inpres) of Regional Roads.

"The indicative 2024 ceiling of Rp 49 trillion has not accommodated assignments, including the assignment of Presidential Decree No. 31 of 2023 regarding the acceleration of development and operation of VVIP airports to support IKN," said Hedy in a hearing with Commission V DPR RI in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 4, 2023.

Assignment for the construction of Section 6A, 6B, 6C, Section 1 and Section 5B Access IKN, said Hedy, is targeted to end next year.

He also increased the proposed budget bonus for the allocation of the Regional Road Presidential Instruction assignments. "So that the increase in regional road connectivity next year is not too late, we want this Presidential Instruction to be included in the budget posture from the start."

In the RDP with Commission V DPR RI, the Directorate General of Highways proposed a budget for next year of IDR 49 trillion. The priority of the budget for 2024 is a committed program, namely optimization, maintenance of both roads and bridges, after which the rehabilitation of reconstruction and replacement of bridges, and completion of corridors for road construction and bridges," said Hedy.

Hedy explained that the Bina Marga budget allocation of Rp 49 trillion was intended for a connectivity infrastructure program of Rp 46.6 trillion and a management support program of Rp 2.39 trillion. There are also details of the 2024 connectivity infrastructure program consisting of regular activities of Rp 34.75 trillion and IKN development of Rp 11.85 trillion.

Details for Bina Marga's regular activities in 2024. Among other things, terd is jealous of the construction of roads, construction of bridges, flyovers and underpasses, preservation of roads as well as bridges and suspension bridges, construction of toll roads as well as reserves and toll roads.

So after knowing the cost of building the VVIP IKN airport, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!,

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