The Regional Public Company (Perumda) of Drinking Water Danum Taka, North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU) has begun to function water pumps to drain the Lawe-Lawe River as a step to overcome the clean water crisis in the area.

Director of Perumda Air Drinking Danum Taka PPU Regency, Abdul Rasyid, said that the clean water crisis due to the hit drought has affected the production and distribution to customers.

"We are trying to take steps that can still be taken even though clean water production decreases, the maximized reservoir also experiences the same conditions due to drought," he said at the PPU, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), Tuesday, October 31. Another step taken by Perumda Drinking Water Danum Taka, he continued, stopped the total installation of clean water treatment plants or water treatment plants/WTP 200 liters per second and shifted to WTP 50 liters per second. "We lowered clean water production due to the raw water crisis, so that the clean water supply was not optimal and the water supply conditions were slightly cloudy," he said. Abdul appealed to the public to accommodate and save the use of clean water. According to him, currently in PPU the water crisis due to clean water production has decreased by about 50 percent.

Di satu sisi, sumber utama air baku instalasi pengolahan air bersih Sungai Lawe-Lawe mengalami penyusutan sangat drastis akibat musim kemarau panjang.Penurunan air baku itu berdampak pada pasokan air bersih yang diproduksi WTP Lawe-Lawe mengalami penurunan yang sangat drastis."Ada penurunan kapasitas produksi distribusi air bersih kepada pelanggan dari biasanya enam bad, kini menjadi lima atau empat bar," ujarnya.Musim kemarau panjang berdampak besar terhadap penyusutan air baku di Sungai Lawe-Lawe yang mempengaruhi produksi air bersih, sehingga masyarakat diimbau untuk melakukan penghematan air bersih.

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