SLEMAN - The Sleman District Attorney (Kejari) received the file and suspect Krido Suprayitno in the alleged corruption case of misuse of cash land in Caturtunggal Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

Head of Legal Information for the DIY Prosecutor's Office, Herwatan, said that the delegation of the suspect, who is the former Head of the DIY Land and Spatial Planning Service (Dispertaru) took place at the Yogyakarta Detention Center (Rutan), Friday, October 27..

"The suspect was handed over to the Sleman Kejari because the locus incident occurred in the Sleman Regency area," he said when confirmed in Yogyakarta, Friday, October 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

This delegation after the issuance of a complete notification letter of the results of the investigation (P-21) on October 23, 2023.

After being received by the public prosecutor of the Sleman Kejari, the suspect Krido was immediately detained at the Yogyakarta Detention Center for 20 days starting October 27, 2023.

Herwatan said that the first trial of the suspect Krido would later take place at the Corruption Court at the Yogyakartan City District Court. "The first trial is about the next two weeks," he said.

He said that the suspect Krido as the Head of Dispetaru DIY was suspected of neglecting the actions of the Director of PT Deztama Putri Sentosa, Robinson Saalino, who had increased the land area of the village treasury leased in Caturtunggal Village from an area of 5,000 square meters to 16,215 square meters.

"Even though the suspect Krido Suprayitno should have facilitated in carrying out the authority to manage and utilize the land of the kadipaten Sultanate according to its function," he said.

While serving as Head of Dispertaru DIY, Krido was also suspected of receiving gratuities from Robinson in the form of two plots of land located in Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman in 2022 covering an area of 600 square meters and 800 square meters for IDR 4.5 billion, respectively.

In addition to land, Krido allegedly received a cash gratuity of around Rp. 211 million which was withdrawn from the BRI account ATM on behalf of Novy Kristianti, Robinson's wife.

That way, the total gratuity that Krido allegedly received reached around Rp. 4.7 billion and had caused state financial losses, especially Caturtunggal Village, amounting to Rp. 2.9 billion.

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