BOGOR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bogor Regency, West Java, revealed that as many as 14 buildings in the area were affected by landslides and strong winds.

Head of BPBD Bogor Regency Ade Desire explained that the two natural disasters occurred on Wednesday (25/10) evening during heavy rains.

A landslide disaster occurred in Cisarua Village, Nanggung District, causing one house inhabited by four people to be damaged and threatened by an avalanche of the Land Detention Embankment (TPT) with a length of 14 meters and a height of 5 meters.

Then strong winds occurred in six different sub-districts, namely Ciampea, Nanggung, Cigudeg, Tamansari, Ciomas and Leuwiliang sub-districts.

Untuk di Kecamatan Ciampea, angin kencang melanda Desa Tegal Waru mengakibatkan satu rumah yang dihuni dua jiwa mengalami rusak ringan.

"With the condition of the house that does not have a cellop and also the condition of the wood is fragile, it is feared that it will increase damage to buildings if there is rain and strong winds again for a long time, further treatment from related parties is needed," said Ade Susu.

Strong winds also occurred in Nanggung District in three villages, namely Citumbuk, Babakan Cengkeh, and Babakan Sawah in Cisarua Village.

"In Citumbuk Village, RT 01/02, one house inhabited by six people was moderately damaged, the kitchen wall cracked with details of a length of seven meters and a TPT with details of a length of 11 meters, a height of two meters," he explained.

Still in the same village, precisely in RT 01/03, this strong wind hit a house unit inhabited by 2 people. As a result, the house also suffered minor damage due to cracks in the bedroom wall.

"Then in Babakan village with a clove, 2 houses were lightly damaged (2 kk/10 people) with information of cracks on the kitchen wall. In Babakan village, rice fields, 1 house unit was lightly damaged (1 kk/4 people) with information of cracks on the walls," said Ade Desukan.

Then in Cigudeg District, a housing unit inhabited by six people in Citeureup Village, Cigudeg Village, which was heavily damaged by being hit by strong winds.

"For the time being, the house is broken, the tile has not been repaired because the support pole is cracked and risky. It must be repaired immediately because it is worried if there will be heavy rain, the roof support pole is broken," he said.

Ade Desire to continue strong winds also hit Sukajadi Village, Tamansari District, resulting in one house inhabited by six people being heavily damaged and the occupants are currently forced to flee at the residence of their relatives.

"Currently, a house damaged by a fallen tree has not been repaired and is still seriously damaged. It needs immediate treatment from a more authorized party," said Ade Desire.

Meanwhile, Kotabatu Village in Ciomasada District has four houses that were damaged by the strong winds.

"One unit of the house was moderately damaged (1 KK/7 Jiwa), damaged on the walls of the room and the kitchen collapsed and 3 other housing units suffered minor damage (3 families/13 people) with the average damage to the roof of the house," he explained.

In addition to hitting and impacting residents' houses, this strong wind also caused several trees to fall which resulted in damage to several public facilities.

According to him, the public facility is the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Darul Mutaalimin building in Leuwimekar Village, Leuwiliang District, which was affected by fallen trees.

"For now, the fallen tree has been evacuated by the Bogor Regency BPBD TRC and assisted by local residents," he concluded.

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