JAKARTA - The brawl in Manggarai, Tebet, South Jakarta is still happening even though the police have formed an Anti-Fight Task Force formed by the former Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran. South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said the perpetrators allegedly wanted to find enemies. They often attack a group of youths who are gathering on the side of the road.
"This they did in mobile, looking for enemies. They did not decorate people's houses, but they were looking for enemies who happened to be young people on the side of the road," said Ade in the Manggarai area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, October 25.
Ade also said that in the two brawls that recently occurred in Manggarai, his party had identified the perpetrators who were suspected of being the masterminds of the riots.
"We have identified several people who are suspected of being involved, of course we will investigate and conduct interrogations. We also ask residents to be open and not cover up in order to prevent harm," he said.
Not only that, Ade admitted that his party had installed a number of CCTVs near locations where brawls often occur.
"There are 11 CCTVs, we hope they can also be used as a means of prevention," he said.
Ade appealed to local residents to participate in preventing brawls.
"People should participate in preventing brawls, CCTV is just a means. The goal is that people can be safe and comfortable at work," said Ade Ary.
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