YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X asked agricultural management in his area to start to be oriented to meet industrial needs, thus providing added value for agricultural products.

"Everything has been in the industrial process, not like decades ago which was only provided for us to eat," said Sultan HB X at the Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) of the DIY Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID), in Yogyakarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 24.

According to Sultan, without an industrial orientation, agricultural management will continue to face problems with price fluctuations that are difficult to control.

The community, especially farmers, according to him, needs to have a change in mindset as part of the food supply, including for industrial needs, not just as an agricultural community who farm to meet food stocks as in ancient times.

"As long as we don't think that we have entered industrialization, we will never have more value," he said.

For this reason, the Sultan said that it is necessary to regulate the pattern of planting staple foods that have a relatively expensive selling price to support industrialization interests.

These efforts are also needed as one of the strategies to control food inflation.

The DIY Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) and district/city TPID throughout DIY, according to Sultan, must work together, have a dialogue with farmers regarding the plan to regulate the planting pattern.

According to him, the arrangement of the planting pattern also aims to ensure the availability of agricultural products can continue to be sustainable.

"We can regulate the planting pattern in basic foodstuffs with high economic value, whether it's cayenne pepper, curly chilies, shallots, rice and so on. These products are part of industrial products. In the past, they were not part of the industry, but now they can become industrial product materials," he said.

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