JAKARTA - Social media activist as well as CEO of PT Mulia Karya Sabat, Ronald Sinaga, fulfilled the summons for examination on suspicion of spreading fake news or hoaxes and defamation at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, October 23.Ronald Sinaga was originally reported by Dwi Aryono Bayuaji who is a top official of Hutama Karya. The report was registered with the number LP/B/5259/IX/2023/SPKT POLDA METRO JAYA, dated September 4, 2023. "My summons to Polda Metro Jaya was based on my post on Twitter on July 31," Ronald told reporters quoted on Tuesday, October 24. The alleged criminal offense occurred when Ronald uploaded a photo of CV someone who requested work through social media X or Twitter with the account @brorondm, on July 31, 2023. Then, it was written a number of career paths of someone who had not been known. However, a lot of experience in handling many BUMN Karya projects. The upload is also said to be one of the ongoing examination material for approximately two hours. "One of the questions is why posting it and my answer is a snippet or screenshot of a part of a CV someone who asks for work," explained Ronald. "The caption is that the emoticon emoticon, emoticon thinking yes. This is July 31 on Twitter, so I use the next-thinking emoticon of a 'CV someone who has ever taken care of a fictitious project'. So the CV of this person is thought to be in the circle of fictitious projects being investigated by law enforcers," he continued.

According to him, the investigator's question regarding the alleged case of a fictitious project in his tweet could not be answered. The reason is that the problem is being processed at the KPK. "So actually there are some questions from investigators that I cannot answer the time inside. Because the case is currently underway at the KPK and that I said to investigators that this case is currently underway at the KPK, so I cannot answer more fully who this person is, who is CV, but I have never mentioned Hutama Karya specifically. I only offended the person who owns the CV," he said. On the other hand, Ronald said that he did not know Dwi Aryono Bayuaji, who is the reporting party. However, as time went on, the background of the reporter was also known. "That was asked by investigators as well, I did not know the personal reporter. I have never met him, did not know at all. I just know him the time after I was reported and that was from Google," he said. In the report, Ronald Sinaga was accused by Article 310 of the Criminal Code and or Article 311 of the Criminal Code and or Articles 14 and 15 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 1946.

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