TANGERANG - The fire that occurred at the Rawa Cat TPA, Neglasari, Tangerang City caused dozens of people to experience the disease. One of them is Upper Respiratory Channel Infection (ISPA).

"Starting from the first day and yesterday, every day there are about tens that we handle. Starting from firefighters who were stabbed or torn, many were also affected by ISPA," said the Field Coordinator (Korlap) PMI Tangerang City, M Rayyan Ismail when confirmed, Monday, October 23.

Ismail said that for now, PMI Tangerang City remains on guard 24 hours at a number of post points that still emit smoke from the fire of the Rawa Cat TPA garbage mountain.

"We handle the average because the ARI experienced by the elderly and toddlers. Like today, there are more than six toddlers," he said.

Rayyan also said that for handling it, his party separates each patient. Regarding the place for handling it, Neglasari District and adult men in GOR.

"For toddlers, we will take care of them in the hall of Neglasari District and if male adults are in GOR," he concluded.

As is known, the Rawa Cat TPA fire caught fire since Friday, October 20, during the day. However, until now the fire has not been extinguished.

As a result of the fire, smoke from the fire billowing thick to residential areas. So that many residents experience respiratory problems.

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