SUMBAR - Residents asked the West Pasaman Regency Government (Pemkab) to step in to repair the bridge in Lua Durian Tinggi Village, Lubuk Attitude District, which cracked and the edge began to collapse. "Currently, the condition of the bridge has collapsed and collapsed. If it is ignored, it is feared that the bridge is in danger of collapsing," said one Al (40) resident in Lubuk Attitude, Pasaman, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Wednesday, October 18, which was confiscated by Antara. According to him, the condition of the infrastructure is starting to worry about continuing to be hit by river water, eating the bottom foundation of the bridge.

"This river flow is quite heavy every time the water rises. Especially now that the overflowing Batang Paninggalan River flows to the bridge. If it continues, it will threaten the strength of the bridge," he said. He hopes that the Pasaman Regency Government will immediately follow up as quickly as possible. "Don't let the bridge collapse and then act," he said. "The age of the bridge is also appropriate to be renovated because it has been decades," he continued.

Ia menilai keberadaan jembatan itu sangat berarti bagi masyarakat. Selain berada di ibu kota kabupaten, juga berada di jalan nasional menghubungkan Sumbar menuju Sumatera Utara (Sumut)."Warga sekitar juga merasa khawatir jika aliran jembatan itu tersumbat dan ambruk maka air sungai itu dikhawatirkan meluap dan mengancam puluhan kepala keluarga yang ada di sekitarnya," sebutnya.Kepala Pelaksana Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Pasaman Alim Bazar membenarkan kondisi jembatan itu mulai rusak. Pihaknya saat ini sedang menginventarisasi jembatan yang rusak akibat hantaman air dan banjir."Koordinasi dengan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum terus kita lakukan. Jembatan itu saat ini juga sudah kewenangan kabupaten. Kami juga koordinasi dengan pemerintah provinsi dan pusat," katanya.

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