The Presidential Candidate (Readpres) Ganjar Pranowo will meet dozens of students from the Malang Raya Student Executive Board (BEM) in RM Parikaton, Pakis District, Malang Regency, East Java (East Java).

Together with students, the former Governor of Central Java (Central Java) and members of the Indonesian House of Representatives discussed and absorbed their aspirations while having lunch and tasted light snacks.

BEM Malang Raya, which was coordinated by Abi Naga Parawansa, expressed their concern about law enforcement in Indonesia, which he said should be maximized.

Ganjar answered the concern with the affirmation that law enforcement must be objective and with integrity. Meanwhile, policy makers who do not have integrity on that matter must be removed from their positions.

They (students) have a concern for the small scope of the campus, in sports, in injustice. So this is indeed a typical student idealism. So I say, keep it, keep it," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said the aspirations of the students were valuable provisions to welcome better Indonesian law enforcement in the future.

According to Ganjar, the delivery of this aspiration is also an important role for students and the younger generation so that later the policies taken by the government in the future will be better and have a positive impact on the community.

"This very high concern is what we expected earlier, they practice as well as become moral guards. So later if they are offside they will be the first to remind them the most," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also invited them to go into politics in order to spread more benefits to the nation and state. However, Ganjar reminded that all of this must be carried out with high integrity.

"But I remind you, if you get power, remember, you can be tempted because you will fall into terrible traps. That's what needs to be trained from today," he concluded.

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