DIY - Kulon Progo Regency Government (Pemkab) reviewed the reason for the failure of the auction for the management of the Samudra Raksa Gate in Banjaroya so that it can immediately be used and become a tourist destination in the northern region.

Kulon Progo Regional Secretary Triyono said the management of the Samudra Raksa Gate had been auctioned twice, but no one registered.

"We are waiting for the results of a study and evaluation from the management team of the Samudra Raksa Gate. The plan is for Tuesday (17 October) to be reported to us," said Triyono in Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Monday, October 16, as reported by Antara.

He said the team reviewed the cause of the failure of the auction. Is it because the price set is too high or because the condition of the Samudra Raksa Gate which is currently neglected.

The results of the study will also be the basis for further decisions. Especially how other options to manage the Samudra Raksa Gate in the future.

"Actually, there is a recommendation from the Kulon Progo DPRD, so that the Samudra Raksa Gate is managed by BUMD Aneka Usaha," said Triyono.

He said the profit-sharing scheme could be used. However, BUMD Aneka Usaha still stated that it was not able to manage the Samudra Raksa Gate on the grounds that it was unable to be burdened with local revenue.

Registration for the Raksa Samudra Gate auction itself took place on July 6-7, 2023 and was extended until August 18, 2023. However, there were still few enthusiasts, until it was decided that registration would be closed.

Acting Regent of Kulon Progo Ni Made Dwipanti Indrayanti added that there was a lack of interest because the rental value was considered too high. The value is IDR 609 million per year.

The rental period lasts for 5 years. As for each year, there will be an increase in rental costs.

"The rental value is based on the results of the appraisal team's calculations," said Ni Made.

He said the Kulon Progo Regency Government is trying to manage the Raksa Ocean Gate well in the future. "This asset is one of the tourism potentials owned by Kulon Progo. We are working on how the Raksa Ocean Gate is managed properly," he said.

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