JAKARTA The Supreme Court (MA) explained that the assets belonging to the accused in the corruption case, Helena Lim, were returned because they were not proven to be related to the criminal act in the case that ensnared her.
"Why was it returned? There must be consideration that it has nothing to do with criminal acts," said the spokesman for the Supreme Court, Yanto, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, January 2.
Helena Lim is a defendant in the corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining business permit (IUP) area of PT Timah Tbk. in the 2015 '2022 period. In the trial, the confiscated assets were declared not related to the case being handled.
Yanto refers to Article 46 paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Law (KUHAP), which stipulates that confiscated goods for a case can be returned to their owners if they are not proven to be related to a criminal act.
However, Yanto also explained that based on Articles 39 and 42 of the Criminal Procedure Code, evidence that was proven to have been obtained or used for criminal acts could be confiscated, destroyed, or submitted for the benefit of the state.
"Evidence that has been proven to be used to commit a criminal act can be confiscated for the state or destroyed," said Yanto.
Previously, on Monday, December 30, the Panel of Judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court ordered the return of Helena Lim's assets in their ruling.
Helena Lim herself has been sentenced to five years in prison in a corruption case related to the management of tin commodity trading at PT Timah Tbk. in the 2015'2022 period.
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