JAKARTA Amir Syarifudin, an elderly man (elderly) aged 75 years became a victim of a shooting by two motorcycle thieves on Jalan Porselen IV, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta. As a result, Amir's Kakan's hand was injured in bleeding.
The shooting occurred because Amir tried to thwart the theft of his son's motorbike. This was conveyed by the victim's nephew, Idham Mahesa (21) in Pulogadung, East Jakarta.
Idham explained that the shooting took place on Sunday, October 15, at around 14:15 WIB. At that time Amir saw two people with one motorbike wearing a helmet, trying to retrieve his son's motorbike, which was parked in front of his house at that time.
Amir, who was suspicious, immediately approached the perpetrator. According to Idham's statement, when the perpetrator was approached by Amir, the perpetrator tried to damage the motorcycle key house.
Allegedly panicked, the perpetrator immediately took out a gun and shot at Amir. Idham told that there had been an interesting tug of war between the victim and the perpetrator.
Meanwhile, the friend of the perpetrator who was on the motorbike immediately took out an airgun from inside the t-shirt and fired four shots at Amir.
"Mr. De, I was threatened with being shot by the perpetrator. Finally, Mr. De, I took off the hands of the perpetrators. Then the other perpetrators fired four shots at Mr. De me, hit on Mr. De's right arm," he said.
Amir's attempt to thwart the motorcycle theft was successful, but Amir's hand was injured and bleeding as a result of being shot by the perpetrator.
"The weapon was an airgun with a sewer bullet (metallic made), which was injured on Mr. De me on the right arm, the bullet was mental. The impact was like a hole in the wound," he concluded. The perpetrator then fled using the motorbike he was carrying. According to Idham, he tried to chase him while running to the end of the alley. However, when he was chased, the perpetrator fired three shots at Idham. Fortunately, the bullet made of metal did not hit the body of Idham.
"I chased the perpetrator, when I arrived in front of the alley I was shot three times, but I didn't hit it. Apparently at the end of the alley there were two more perpetrators, riding too. So, a total of four perpetrators, I finally let them run away," he said.
Idham revealed that after the incident his party immediately reported it to the Pulogadung Police for follow-up. Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pulogadung Police, AKP Wahyudi, said that his party was investigating the shooting case committed by a gang of motorcycle theft perpetrators.
"We are investigating. Someone wanted to take a motorbike, but the owner caught it. The perpetrator shot the victim," he explained.
His party has processed the crime scene (TKP) at the victim's residence on Sunday night, October 15 and examined three witnesses.
"We have also secured three surveillance camera (CCTV) footage, but did not focus directly on the perpetrators. The gang of perpetrators was four people using two motorbikes," Wahyudi said.
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