JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H. Laoly, reviewed the readiness of the venue to be used for The 61st Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) Annual Session activities in Bali, Saturday, October 14. He paid special attention to the preparation of the event which will be held at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center 15 October 20, 2023 to ensure that all preparations run smoothly and according to plan.

The review was carried out since he arrived at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, which is the gateway to welcome the delegation of AALCO member countries scheduled to arrive today. Previously, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) as the focal point in holding the annual AALCO session this year had also simulated ground handling and the arrival of delegates to ensure the arrival of delegates went smoothly.

The simulation was led by the Director General of General Legal Administration (Dirjen AHU), Cahyo R. Muzhar as Head of Delegations of the Republic of Indonesia in this international forum. A total of 47 member countries of AALCO are scheduled to attend AALCO's annual meeting. In addition, there will also be 2 permanent observer countries, namely from Australia and New Zealand, 3 non-permanent observer countries namely Tunisia, Zambia, and Russia, as well as 8 international organizations.

The Ambassadors of AALCO member countries are also expected to attend the opening ceremony of The 61st Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) Annual Session which will be opened by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin on Monday, October 16, 2023.

Hingga kini, Minggu 15 Oktober, dikabarkan telah tiba beberapa perwakilan negara yang terlibat seperti Sekretaris Jenderal AALCO, Kamalinne Pinitpuvol dan delegasi AALCO dari 10 negara yaitu Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, China, Iran, Singapura, Tanzania, Turki, Vietnam, dan Mesir.

Nepal became the first member state of AALCO whose delegation was present in Bali to participate in this series of annual meeting events, represented by Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Dhanraj Gurung, who was accompanied by Joint Secretary, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Koshal Chandra Subedi. An annual meeting is the right momentum to mobilize the strength of Asian African countries'' related to international diplomacy. It is time for Indonesia and other AALCO member countries to have more votes at the international level, in particular policies in the framework of international law," said Yasonna, in a written statement, Sunday, October 15. Discussions on the latest issues were carried out in a closed trial of AALCO state members. Some of the main issues that will be discussed at this annual meeting among other marine laws, issues related to the state in Palestine, environmental issues and sustainable development, trade laws and international investment, legal issues in space, including conveying AALCO's views on the issue of the discussion of the UN International Law Commission (ILC). Seeing all the preparations that have been made since some time ago, we are sure that this event will run smoothly. We also hope that this annual meeting will produce positive recommendations that become concern state members of AALCO,' concluded Yasonna.

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