JAKARTA - A pimp in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta was arrested on a criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO). The suspect, a woman with the initials JL, is proven to provide sex services through a girl with the initials ACA (17).

Wakasat Reskrim Polres Jakarta Selatan, Kompol Henrikus Yossi mengatakan JL ditangkap di kawasan Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, 27 Januari 2022, lalu.

"That's right, the perpetrator we have arrested is currently a suspect with the initials JL (female)," Yossi told reporters, Tuesday, October 10.

Yossi explained that the disclosure of the TIP began when JL became acquainted with ACA through friends to friends. Shortly thereafter, JL offered ACA to serve his guests.

"The guest also got it from the mouth to the mouth. For this first incident, the victim had sex with her customer and was given around Rp700 thousand in cash," he said.

Furthermore, in June 2022, JL contacted ACA again to offer guests for sexual services at an apartment in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta.

"But for this second incident there are conditions requested by guests, namely so that the victim (ACA) wears an elementary school uniform. However, because the ACA Elementary School uniform is no longer fit, then wear a high school uniform," he said.

After the victim agreed to the request, JL and ACA headed to the apartment they asked for. After meeting with guests, ACA provided the service as requested.

"But at that time it turned out that its customers (guests) recorded during the sexual intercourse. The duration of the recording was about 31 minutes," he said.

After providing the service, ACA was given Rp. 3 million by guests and then the money was divided into two by JL.

"The suspect's Rp3 million was divided. Rp2 million was kept by JL, and Rp1 million was given to the victim (ACA)," he said.

As time went on, the video was known to the victim's mother, AM through ACA's friends. The police are AM's main goal to report the incident.

Until finally JL was arrested by the police and named a suspect.

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