The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya has named a Ferrari driver with the initials RAS (29) as a suspect in a traffic accident in the Senayan Roundabout area, Central Jakarta.
The Ferrari driver was involved in an accident on Sunday, September 8 at around 03.30 WIB. The luxury car crashed into two cars and three motorbikes that were dopanya.
"We continue to carry out simultaneous and continuous examinations and have carried out the stage of the case title and raised the status of the case title to become a suspect," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Jhoni Eka Putra to reporters, Monday, October 9.
In the process of titled the case, the Ferrari driver's action fulfilled the elements of Article 310 paragraph 2 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ). There were two Bayan people as a result of the accident.
"For the articles imposed on Article 310 paragraph 2. Then from the results of the examination here there are two victims," he said.
"The victim was bruised but after being helped from the medical team at 05.30 the victim was able to return home," continued Jhoni.
The Ferrari driver is said to be driving in a sleepy condition. While previously from the information circulating, RAS is said to be driving his luxury car in a drunken condition.
"According to the driver's statement, he was sleepy," said Jhoni.
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