The MUI Calls the Hamas Attack to be a Momentum to Free the Palestinian People JAKARTA - the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) said that Hamas's retaliatory attacks against Israel could be a momentum for the Palestinian nation to free the people and the Palestinians colonized for a long period of time. "Many of the momentum of the Palestinian people and the nation to achieve independence," according to the MUI for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim quoted by ANTARA, Sunday 8 October According to Sudarnoto, the event should also be a momentum for all Palestinian factions such as Fatah and other groups to unite to consolidate themselves in strengthening the independence efforts of the Palestinian nation. "We hope that every momentum for the sovereignty and independence of Palestine can be utilized as well as possible by any Palestinian faction. In this way, then Israel will be increasingly out of time and power." Hamas's counter-attack represents a reaction to Israel's arbitrary actions that last long ago and systemically destroy the sovereignty of the Palestinian people and nation," he said. The event of dividing the Al Aqsa Mosque is accompanied by various provocative actions of extreme Jewish groups performing worship in the Al Aqsa arena is also one of the triggers of Hamas's attacks against Israel. "In addition to various facts of betrayal against the agreement made by Israel, illustrates that Israel should indeed pay a heavy price. This Hamas's biggest attack would have to bear on its own, "he said. It is possible that Israel will bear a heavier burden if the responses of Israel and supporting countries like America and NATO are counter-productive. Furthermore Sudarnoto explained that America and NATO, which are currently bearing their burdens as a result of global political change and the Russian-Ukrainian war, should not interfere with the fact by declaring Hamas as terrorists. According to him, this attitude would have actually be detrimental to America and NATO because so far it has never expressed its courage to assert that Israel is colonial and terrorist. "The urgentru that must be carried out is to work together with other international communities that support the struggle for the realization of Palestinian independence and stop Israel's imperialism and terrorism," said Sudarnoto.

He also condemned Israel's blind and angry retaliation for destroying the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza. "I deeply regret what Israel has done. Israel must be held accountable. Israel has completely lost respect for the humanitarian aid that Indonesia has carried out through Mer-C," he said.

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