ROKAN HULU Friends of the Indonesian Police appreciate the actions of the Head of the Rokan Hulu Police, AKBP Budi Setiyono who succeeded in uncovering three cases of illegal mining in the last two months. Chairman of the Friends of the Indonesian Police, Fonda Tangguh, called the success evidence that the National Police was seriously taking action against illegal mining issues.

"The friend of the Indonesian Police appreciates the steps taken by the Head of Police, Budi Setiyono, who dared to uncover cases of illegal mining in his area. This is clearly a firm step by a police chief who intends to protect the public and the interests of the state," said Fonda in a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, October 5.

Friends of the Indonesian Police also hope that this decisive step by the Rokan Hulu Police can continue. The reason is, Londa claimed to have received many reports regarding illegal mining activities in Riau province. According to him, the more firm the disclosure made by the Resort Police will be, the greater the benefits felt by the community there.

"I hope that the steps taken by the Head of the Budi Police can continue to be consistent. Because, I really believe that many people hope that the police will solve this illegal mining problem," he said.

Previously, the Rokan Hulu Police succeeded in uncovering three (3) cases of illegal mining during August to September 2023. The three cases occurred in different locations with the six suspects and a number of different pieces of evidence. Among them, 3 heavy equipment excavators, notebooks and plastic bags filled with rock mixed soil.

"We received a number of reports from the public regarding this illegal mining activity. As a follow-up, we also carried out investigations and disclosures of these three cases," said Rokan Huku Police Chief AKBP Budi Setiyono.

The Head of the Budi Police also emphasized that these three types of businesses do not have a Mining Business Permit (IUP) so that they violate Law Number 3 of 2021 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining. According to him, the perpetrators are threatened with 5 years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 100 billion.

When the Tipidter Unit of the Rokan Hulu Police Satreskrim interrogated the perpetrators, they finally admitted that they did not have an IUP. We immediately took the suspects to the Rokan Hulu Police Headquarters for further processing," he explained.

Kapolres Budi mengaku akan terus meningkatkan pengawasan dan penegakan hukum pada persoalan penambangan ini. Pasalnya, persoalan tambang ilegal ini kerap kali memicu terjadinya konflik horizontal di dalam masyarakat dan menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan.

A number of parties also appreciated the decisive steps taken by the Head of Police, Budi Setiyono. They include the DPD Punggawa Melayu Riau, the Ngaso Village Customary Meeting Institute, the PBB Rokan Hulu and the NGO in the Rokan Hulu Case.

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