JAKARTA - The 10th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla (JK) was visited by the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Puan Maharani at her residence on Jalan Brawijaya, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, this afternoon. JK admitted to discussing the matter of the presidential election with the chairman of the PDIP DPP. JK initially admitted that she did not know Puan would visit her residence because she was invited by Mufidah Kalla. He said, Puan wanted to eat the coto Makassar made by her wife. "I said I don't know, what we are facing right now, what we are going to face, of course, is also the things that we need to do and fix. Talking about nationality," he said. According to JK, the three presidential candidates currently have the same opportunity to become the 8th President of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the results depend on the choice of the community. "Of course, the times are not mentioned by the presidential election. I say that everyone is optimistic, PDIP or Ganjar has a chance, Pak Prabowo has a chance, Mr. Anies has a chance, depending on you who choose, how good," said JK.
JK also invited all elements of the nation to achieve the same goal, namely the progress and unity of Indonesia. He did not want the upcoming elections to make the atmosphere cloudy. "Let us all have the same goal for the progress of this nation. We see that our situation is not too good, yes, so if we make things worse this country, our country, all of us," said JK. "So we must unite even though we have different choices but remain united in our goals and ways. Don't make this republic worse," he added.
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