PEKANBARU - The haze disaster that has enveloped Pekanbaru City for the past few days has made the air conditions unhealthy and could have a negative impact on the health of residents, especially the elderly and children.

To anticipate this, the Pekanbaru City Government has issued a circular addressed to all sub-district heads, village heads and all Pekanbaru City residents to wear masks and reduce activities outside the home.

"Our advice is that if the air condition in Pekanbaru City gets worse, then we will take a stand on whether it is necessary to give our kindergarten and elementary school children a holiday. But this is still waiting for developments in the situation on the ground," said the City Regional Secretary (Sekdako) Pekanbaru, Indra Pomi Nasution, Wednesday, October 4.

The Pekanbaru City Government also appeals to all people who do outdoor activities to always wear masks.

"We ask the public to use masks to avoid diseases that arise from the smoke haze," continued Indra.

Regarding the increase in sufferers of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in the city of Pekanbaru, Indra Pomi admitted that he had not received any reports from the health centers and hospitals in Pekanbaru.

"If there are people who are affected by the haze, they should be served well at the community health center and if they are referred to the hospital, we will cover these patients using the Pekanbaru City Health Insurance program," he concluded.

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