The Bandung City Police (Polresta) wants to return 50 stolen vehicles to those who are victims of motor vehicle theft (curanmor).

Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Budi Sartono said the confiscated motorbike theft (curanmor) vehicle was now parked in his office yard consisting of 50 motorbikes.

"Please for Bandung residents who feel they have lost, they can come directly to the Bandung Police office," Budi said when he revealed the theft case at the Bandung Police Station, West Java, Monday, October 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

Budi explained that for people who want to take their lost vehicle, the victims are required to show proof of ownership to the Bandung Police.

"No fees, please take it right away," he said.

Previously, the Bandung Police managed to arrest a gang of specialists in motor vehicle theft or theft who often acted in the Greater Bandung area.

Budi explained that eight perpetrators were arrested after officers developed a theft case based on the development of various loss reports.

"Then we did a hunt with several networks of perpetrators and from one we arrested it could develop to several crime scenes," he said.

For their actions, the perpetrators will be charged with Article 363 concerning theft with a maximum penalty of seven years in prison and Article 480 for the perpetrators with a maximum penalty of four years in prison.

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