JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his entourage traveled 26 minutes from Halim Station, East Jakarta to Padalarang Station, Bandung Regency using the airlifting fast train, Monday afternoon. The trip was carried out after the President inaugurated the operation of the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) at Halim Station, East Jakarta at around 09.00 WIB. President Jokowi accompanied by First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo and his entourage left for Padalarang KCJB Station, Bandung Regency, using a series of trains numbered G3501 on platform 3 Halim. Also accompanying the President, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono, and Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin. Those who took part in the journey felt the sensation of China's speed of train moving on average at 350 km per hour. Several times that figure can touch up to 360-380 km per hour. The lower Cabin Noise feature managed to reduce the tremors more optimally, so that the journey felt smooth and smooth. However, several train passengers from among the Presidential Staff Office and reporters from the Presidential Palace had felt dizzy because this was the first time they had taken a high-speed train. "It's like I take an elevator in a tall building. It feels dizzy, especially when the speed starts above 200-300 km per hour suddenly feels dizzy," said one passenger, Radit (25). The resident of Kalibata, South Jakarta, who is now a reporter at the Jakarta Presidential Palace, admitted that this is the first time he has taken the high-speed train. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train features a wide and modern space design and has three classes with a total capacity of 601 passengers, along with a special room for people with disabilities. The Fast Train Station carries the concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to ensure an integrated service system with various choices of modes of transportation, various culinary, facilities and other privileges.
The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train is equipped with modern technology and as well as flight attendants who are always ready to serve during passenger trips.

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