JAKARTA - The NasDem Party is still waiting for further developments regarding the news that its cadre who served as Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) has been named a suspect in a corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). The General Treasurer (Bendum) of NasDem Ahmad Sahroni emphasized that his party did not want to comment much if there was no official statement from the KPK regarding the legal status of the cadre.

"We are waiting for official information from the KPK first that the Minister of Agriculture TSK," Sahroni told reporters, Friday, September 29. Sahroni was also reluctant to comment on who would replace SYL if he was reshuffled after being named a suspect in a corruption case. According to him, there is no scenario behind the KPK investigation process at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"There is no scenario whatsoever," he said. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has not officially announced Syahrul Yasin Limpo as a suspect. However, the KPK has raised the investigation into the alleged riot at the Ministry of Agriculture to the investigation stage. The decision was taken after pocketing sufficient initial evidence.

"Based on the adequacy of evidence, from the results of the case title or exposure, it is a collegial collective decision because in the exposure forum it is certainly attended by leaders, KPK structural officials, as well as teams, be it investigators, investigators, or public prosecutors. Then it is concluded that there is sufficient preliminary evidence so that it goes up to the investigation process," said KPK News Section Head Ali Fikri at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, South Jakarta, Friday, September 29.

Ali has not been able to elaborate further on the construction of cases and suspects in this case. However, information circulated about the case related to the sale and purchase of positions within the Ministry of Agriculture.

"So if in the construction of the legal language, with the intention of benefiting yourself or other people against the law or abusing their power, they force someone to give something, that's it. Of course this is the place where it happened at the Ministry of Agriculture," he said.

"The reason is that if we look at the Corruption Act, it is (Article) 12 e," continued Ali.

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