SURABAYA - Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo closed the National Sports Week Qualification Round (BK PON) for the 2023 Muaythai sport at the Pancasila Sports Center in Surabaya, Saturday, August 26 afternoon.
At the closing ceremony, Menpora Dito welcomed this event as a long-term coaching for the Muaythai sport. Moreover, this event received an extraordinary response from the regions as a competition for the 2024 PON qualification which will be held in Aceh and North Sumatra.
"The chairman of the XXI PON qualifying round in 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra Muaythai sports is part of the long process of coaching sports achievements. Your achievements will be the capital to answer the challenges at international events," said Menpora Dito.
Menpora Dito, who was also accompanied by Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo at the event, said that with the end of the National Sports Week Qualification Round (BK PON) for the 2023 Muaythai sport, he would be able to find out the results of coaching the achievements of Muaythai athletes in the regions.
"Congratulations to all the athletes who have achieved the best achievements. My message is to continue to hang your dreams as high as the sky. Don't be complacent with the achievements achieved in this event. Because the highest achievement of an athlete is to fly the Merab Putih flag in an international event," said Menpora Dito.
"For those who have not achieved, don't give up and give up. Immediately return to the field, train, fight and don't forget to pray," he added.
This PON Muaythai qualification round will be held 20-27 August 2023 by competing in 22 classes and numbers. The details are four art numbers and 18 fighting classes. Almost all provinces follow all the numbers competed, especially teams from Java.
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