TANGSEL - Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo witnessed the 2023 Kemenpora Inter-Campung Championship Volleyball Match (Tarkam) at the Cilenggang Volleyball Field, South Tangerang, Banten.

Menpora hopes that this championship will become a talent search for athletes' potential, friendship with residents and at the same time move the wheels of the economy.

"We hope that Tarkam's achievements can become a scouting for athletes' potential. We also involve volleyball federations so that they can immediately look for and see their seeds," said Menpora Dito, Sunday, August 20 afternoon.

"So, we really encourage Tarkam because we want the Ministry of Youth and Sports, which usually focuses on sports, achievements at the top level, but we want to try with the Ministry of Youth and Sports to be present in the community. And make residents a gathering and move the wheels of the economy," he added.

Previously, Menpora Dito apologized because he was not present at the South Tangerang Tarkam kick-off (19/8) for accompanying the President to Medan.

"I want to apologize for not being able to attend the South Tangerang Tarkam kick-off because I have to accompany the President in Medan. But today I am here to see firsthand our young athletes from 7 sub-districts who participated. The point is that we want to see the potential of young athletes in various regions of the village. Then, we also want to present a recreation platform that can be used by the surrounding community for jokes, so fellow neighbors and family can watch together," he explained.

"Hopefully Tarkam Kemenpora can become a new forum where recreation is combined into achievements. I also see that this event can play MSMEs around. So for this first stage we hold in 32 regencies/cities and South Tangerang this is the first point. Hopefully this first stage can have a positive impact on sports and for Indonesia," hoped Menpora Dito.

Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang, Pilar Saga Ichsan said that the Tarkam Kemenpora Championship in South Tangerang was attended by 350 male and female athletes from 7 regencies/cities.

"Thank you and welcome to the Minister in South Tangerang. This is an honor for all of us, the ministers who are still young are extraordinary," said Pilar.

"The Tarkam Kemenpora activity in Tangsel was attended by 350 athletes from 7 sub-districts by competing in three sports, namely athletics, table tennis and volleyball," he added.

Also present to accompany Menpora Dito, Deputy Sports Empowerment Raden Isnanta, Asdep Sports Community Suryati and Asdep Sports Education Ferry Hadju as well as Head of Tangsel Dispora Mursinah, Head of East Ciputat Sub-district and Head of Pamulang Sub-district.

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