JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo said that the posture of the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) in the field of youth and sports has increased. One of the focuses of which is on infrastructure, namely stadium renovations.
This was conveyed by Menpora Dito after attending President Joko Widodo's speech regarding the Draft Law (RUU) on the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 at the Nusantara MPR/DPR/DPD RI Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 16. Menpora Dito did not specify the number of increases.
"Alhamdulillah, the posture of the 2024 State Budget has increased for sports and youth. What is certain is that one of the focuses of infrastructure is the problem with stadium renovations," said Menpora Dito.
Menpora Dito said there were 22 stadiums that would be renovated. The stadium is spread throughout Indonesia. The stadium's priority points are renovated with a capacity of more than 25 thousand people.
"So there are 22 stadiums that have a capacity of above 25 thousand throughout Indonesia, so this is flat," said Menpora Dito.
Furthermore, Menpora Dito revealed that President Joko Widodo had given directions so that the renovated stadium must be managed by the private sector. It is hoped that later the management of the stadium can be optimal.
"The next direction of the President is that these stadiums must be managed by the private sector, which can later make the center of sports community activities," explained Menpora Dito.
"So this is renovated, but there must be a guarantee that in the future this management must really be optimal and maximal," concluded Menpora Dito.
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