MEDAN - Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution said as many as 1,000 TNI AD personnel would be deployed to clean the 34.5 kilometer Deli River.

"Almost 1,000 regional personnel collaborated with the TNI AD to be involved in the normalization of the Deli River," said Bobby after crossing the Deli River on Jalan KL Yos Sudarso Km 17.6 to the Simpang Bridge at the Medan Office, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 26.

The action after the Deli River, he continued, was carried out to see firsthand the points or locations that became the focus of cleaning rivers that crossed the Medan City area.

Moreover, the cleaning of the Deli River was attended by the Army Chief of Staff, General TNI Dudung Abdurachman, as a form of support from the Indonesian Army for the Deli River Net Mutual Cooperation on Wednesday (27/9).

The Gotong royong was carried out as an effort to overcome the flood problem that had hit the capital area of North Sumatra Province when it rained for a long time.

It is planned that the 34.5 kilometer flow of the Deli River will be cleaned with the support of heavy equipment from the Medan City Construction Highways Water Resources Agency, Kodam I/BB and the Sumatra River II Basin Center for the next 64 days.

"Through this mutual cooperation, we hope that it can educate and raise public awareness to maintain cleanliness, so as not to throw garbage into the river," he said.

The mayor also admitted that before the Deli River crossing action was carried out, a dress rehearsal was held first for the implementation of the Gotong Royong Bersih Sungai Deli at Benteng Medan Field.

The rehearsal was followed by Pangdam I/BB Major General TNI Mochammad Hasan, Dandim 0201/Medan Kol Inf Ferry Muzawwad, the head of the relevant regional apparatus and sub-district heads throughout Medan City.

"We hold this rehearsal to maximize preparations ahead of the cleaning of the Deli River which will be carried out starting tomorrow," said Bobby.

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