JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo became a guest star in a sports 77 podcast held at the Media Center of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Jakarta, Monday, August 7. This meeting discussed the growth of the sports industry to the implementation of the tarkam league.

Hosts Mamat Alkatiri and Riphan Pradipta, Menpora Dito explained that currently Indonesia already has Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2021 concerning the Great Design of National Sports or what is popularly known as DBON.

"We have a DBON. There are 14 priority sports included in it. That is based on the achievements and medal opportunities that we hope for if we appear in the Olympics," said Menpora Dito.

Menpora Dito detailed that the 14 sports are badminton, weightlifting, rock climbing, archery, shooting, wushu, karate, tarkwondo, bicycle racing, swimming, athletics, artistic gymnastics, pencak silat, and rowing.

As for the paralympics, there are five leading sports, namely power lifting, tennis table, badminton, athletics, and swimming. "Meanwhile, for the three industrial sports there are football, basketball and volleyball," said Menpora Dito.

Menpora Dito emphasized the importance of the role of the youth sports industry and entrepreneurship to build an advanced Indonesia. The Indonesian sports sector has shown tremendous growth in recent years.

"The Ministry of Youth and Sports really wants this sports industry to run well, to have a real economic impact," explained Menpora Dito.

Regarding DBON, Menpora Dito emphasized that other sports remain in the care and development. Even in DBON, a system of promotion and relegation is applied. "So for the advancement of this sport we also learn from developed countries so that our sports can develop," he continued.

Not only DBON, Indonesia also has Presidential Regulation Number 43 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Cross-Sector Strategic Coordination of Youth Services. It is hoped that cross-sectoral coordination can run effectively, especially in improving youth services.

In addition, Menpora Dito also talked about the tarkam league program. This tarkam league will not only focus on soccer, but on other sports.

"We want how this tarkam league comes back to life. Tarkam will be working on a shelf, only football. But also other sports such as volleyball, basketball, badminton, gymnastics, athletics and others. So the tarkam league is included in one of the priority agendas," concluded Menpora Dito.

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