The Gegana Detachment Team of the Brimob Unit of the Aceh Police has tamed a 30 kilogram mortar-type plane bomb in Gampong Pangwa Kuta, Trienggadeng District, Pidie Jaya Regency, precisely in the hills of excavation C.

"The large bomb disposal activity was carried out twice in a dangerous operation to deal with the rocket mortars of Dutch rockets," said Head of the Ops Division of the Pidie Jaya Police, Kompol Muhammad, in Pidie Jaya as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 25.

Previously, the Dutch bomb was found by a resident in a garden owned by Brother Syukri, on Saturday (23/09) in Gampong Mulieng, Meureudu District while digging oil palm planting.

After being found by residents, the local police finally evacuated the mortar to a safe place and far from residential areas, and then detonated it today.

Muhammad said the team chose to carry out the position carefully, took out its contents safely by carrying out the careful planned two-time detonation.

"The first explosion took place at 10.21 WIB, followed by the second explosion at around 10.56 WIB," he said.

The bomb weighs 30 kilograms, 1.05 meters long, 30 centimeters in diameter and an explosion radius of up to 1.5 kilometers.

"Gegana's team has shown extraordinary dedication and expertise in carrying out this task safely," he said.

The operation not only saved residents from the dangers of heavy rocket mortars that could potentially be damaging, but also confirmed the commitment of the Aceh Police in maintaining security and order in this area.

"We appeal to the public, if they find suspicious objects, immediately report them to the authorities," he said.

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