The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office has charged the defendant Sholihin from Medan City with seven years in prison in a case of having 1.9 grams of methamphetamine.

"Asking the panel of judges to sentence them to seven years in prison, a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to six months in prison," said Public Prosecutor Roceberry Christanthy Damanik at the Medan District Court, North Sumatra, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 25.

He said the prosecutor assessed that the defendant's actions violated Article 112 (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics as stated by the subsidiary indictment.

Namely, without rights against the law, owning, storing, controlling, or providing class I narcotics in the form of non-plants, namely 1.9 grams of methamphetamine.

"The aggravating thing is that the defendant's actions contradict the government's program, which is currently active in eradicating drugs," said Roceberry.

Meanwhile, he said mitigating matters had never been punished, were polite in the trial and acknowledged and regretted his actions.

After reading the charges, the defendant Sholihin immediately read out the memorandum of defense virtually. He asked the panel of judges to lighten the sentence, the reason for admitting his actions.

The panel of judges chaired by Farhan continued the trial with the agenda of the verdict scheduled for next week.

In the indictment revealed personnel from

The North Sumatra Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate received information on Jalan Kampung Bahari, Medan Labuhan District, Medan City, that there was a seller of the type of methamphetamine.

Then, the chairman made a purchase by means of aundercover buy with a price agreement of IDR 550 thousand per gram.

After arriving at the location, the personnel immediately arrested the defendant along with evidence. From the results of the interrogation, the defendant obtained the illicit goods from Rudi (the investigator) for Rp. 500 thousand per gram

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