SOLO - Surakarta City Police Criminal Investigation Unit conducts cyber patrols to uncover cases of endorsements or promote online gambling on social media Instagram by arresting two perpetrators in Solo City, Central Java.

The two celebrities who promoted online gambling through the Instagram story belonged to the initials PWU (26), a resident of Sumber Nayu Joglo, Banjarsari District, Solo, and ANP (19), a resident of Ngeboran, Karangduren, Sawit District, Boyolali Regency.

Both of them were detained at the Surakarta Police Headquarters for legal proceedings.

"The PWU perpetrator was arrested by the police, at his home, Friday (22/9), at around 22.00 WIB and the ANP perpetrator was secured at his friend's house, at Ampel Boyolali, on Friday (22/9) at around 22.00 WIB," said Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Iwan Saktiadi as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 25.

According to Iwan Saktiadi, the online gambling promotion was revealed thanks to the Criminal Investigation Unit team while carrying out cyber patrols, finding the two celebrities who promoted online gambling slots for the "Wakanda33" site through the story of the two perpetrators' Instagram.

PWU earns Rp600 thousand per month and ANP players receive Rp1.6 million per month by including the two online gambling players per month.

"We managed to uncover the case, in the form of an invitation in the form of online gambling and deepening it. After electronic support found the two perpetrators, and the perpetrators operated using their social media accounts to be involved in online gambling. We are currently exploring the flow to reveal it with others," he said.

The evidence that was secured by the police included two Instagram accounts belonging to the two perpetrators, two mobile phones, one proof of payment transactions of Rp. 300 thousand and one proof of payment transaction worth Rp. 1.6 million.

For the actions of the two perpetrators subject to Article 45 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 27ayak (2), Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 11 of 2008, concerning ITE or amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.19 of 2016, concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2028, concerning ITE with a maximum penalty of four years in prison.

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